crm(客户关系管理)的定义是什么 外贸crm(客户关系管理)是什么(crm是客户关系管理吗)-ag凯发k8国际




crm的理念定义即字面意思客户关系管理(customer relationship management),crm起源于企业为了提高核心竞争力,保持与客户的长期稳定关系,诞生了这个理念。由1999年gartner group inc公司提出。gartner group inc在早些提出的erp概念中,强调对供应链进行整体管理。










what is crm (customer relationship management)? what is foreign trade crm (customer relationship management)?

what is crm (customer relationship management)?

first, crm can be defined in terms of ideas and systems.

crm concept definition:

crm concept definition is literally customer relationship management (crm), crm originated in order to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, maintain a long-term stable relationship with customers, the birth of this concept. it was proposed in 1999 by gartner group inc. in the early erp concept proposed by gartner group inc, the emphasis is on the overall management of the supply chain.

crm system definition:

the definition of crm system is based on the concept of crm business bearer system, can be called crm solution, this concept means that crm is not only a single system, but a combination of multiple systems.

what is foreign trade crm (customer relationship management)?

foreign trade crm system is a kind of "customer-centric" business concept, combined with software, hardware technology integrated into a kind of office software, the main purpose of foreign trade crm system is to carry out customer relationship management, so as to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, improve the efficiency of maintaining and developing customers. the foreign trade crm system is a kind of crm system developed for the foreign trade industry in the classification of the crm system. the foreign trade crm system also uses many functions in the crm system, and also has some functions of its own, such as multi-language function, business trip approval and so on.

how to choose the right crm software for foreign trade needs to take into account the company's strength, product features, product ease of use, service, price and so on. there is no one platform that can be applied to all enterprises or users, which is related to the customer groups of enterprises and the functional needs of users. in the selection process, consider the purchase budget, their own needs, etc., and finally choose the one that meets their needs.

according to the data of the digital transformation network (search: china digital transformation network, you can learn more), crm is a very important part of the digital transformation of enterprises. digital transformation network has a large number of materials and programs about crm, such as introducing the definition of crm, the function of crm, the value of crm, excellent cases of crm, the difference between crm and scrm and other knowledge, find digital transformation materials on digital transformation network. if you are interested in crm digitalization and want to communicate with more like-minded people who are interested in enterprise crm digitalization, you can also pay attention to the 5th east china cio conference &2023 china digital transformation exhibition, enter the search bar: east china cio conference, you can learn about registration and participation details!

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