
in today\’s corporate world, employees are classified into various categories based on their job responsibilities, skills, and qualifications. these classifications can vary depending on the size and type of the company, as well as the industry in which it operates. however, there are several common categories that are often used to categorize employees.

1. professional employees: these are the employees who work in the company\’s core business areas, such as sales, marketing, finance, and management. they are typically highly skilled and have a deep understanding of the company\’s products, services, and operations. professional employees are responsible for making strategic decisions and driving the company\’s growth.

2. technical employees: these are the employees who work in the company\’s technical areas, such as it, engineering, and manufacturing. they are typically highly skilled in their respective fields and have a deep understanding of the company\’s technology and systems. technical employees are responsible for developing and implementing the company\’s technology infrastructure.

3. sales and marketing employees: these are the employees who work on the sales and marketing sides of the business. they are responsible for generating leads, closing deals, and promoting the company\’s products and services. sales and marketing employees are often highly skilled and have a deep understanding of the market and customer needs.

4. administrative and support employees: these are the employees who work in the company\’s support functions, such as hr, finance, and logistics. they are responsible for providing administrative and support services to the other employees. administrative and support employees are often highly skilled and have a deep understanding of the company\’s operations and processes.

5. non-professional employees: these are the employees who work in the company\’s non-core business areas, such as customer service, maintenance, and support. they are typically less skilled and have a simpler job responsibilities. non-professional employees are responsible for providing support and services to the other employees and are often seen as a cost-effective way to hire additional staff.

in conclusion, the classification of employees into different categories is a way to organize and manage the company\’s workforce. these categories can be used to identify the skills and qualifications of the employees, as well as to allocate their job responsibilities and resources. however, it\’s important to remember that employees are constantly evolving and may change their job classifications as they grow and develop in their careers.

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