







1. 公平原则: fair and equal distribution of research incentives.

2. 竞争原则: promote competition and innovation in research and development.

3. 激励原则: encourage research and development activities by providing incentives.


1. 科研经费支持: provide financial support for research and development activities.

2. 项目资助: provide project资助 for research and development projects.

3. 研究成果奖励: provide rewards for research and development achievements.

4. ag凯发k8国际的人才招聘: recruit high-quality talents for research and development positions.

5. 科技创新券: provide a technology innovation券 for research and development projects.


1. 科研经费支持: the research and development activities are supported by financial resources only if they meet the following conditions:

(1) the project is approved by the relevant department or agency of the organization;

(2) the project is implemented in accordance with the organization\’s research and development policies and procedures;

(3) the project has a reasonable scope and target;

(4) the project has a reasonable budget;

(5) the project is in good working condition;

(6) the project does not violate any laws or regulations.

2. 项目资助: the project资助 is only provided if the project meets the following conditions:

(1) the project is approved by the relevant department or agency of the organization;

(2) the project is implemented in accordance with the organization\’s research and development policies and procedures;

(3) the project has a reasonable scope and target;

(4) the project has a reasonable budget;

(5) the project is in good working condition;

(6) the project does not violate any laws or regulations.

3. 研究成果奖励: the research and development achievements are rewards only if they meet the following conditions:

(1) the research and development achievements are recognized by the relevant department or agency of the organization;

(2) the research and development achievements have a reasonable impact on the organization\’s goals and objectives;

(3) the research and development achievements do not violate any laws or regulations.

4. ag凯发k8国际的人才招聘: the recruitment of high-quality talents is only provided if the organization meets the following conditions:

(1) the organization has a reasonable size and scope;

(2) the organization has a reasonable number of research and development positions;

(3) the organization has a reasonable number of skilled and experienced professionals;

(4) the organization has a reasonable level of research and development activities;

(5) the organization has a reasonable level of innovation and competitiveness;

(6) the organization does not violate any laws or regulations.


1. 对科研经费的支持: the research and development activities are supported by financial resources only if they meet the following conditions:

(1) the project is approved by the relevant department or agency of the organization;

(2) the project is implemented in accordance with the organization\’s research and development policies and procedures;

(3) the project has a reasonable scope and target;

(4) the project has a reasonable budget;

(5) the project is in good working condition;

(6) the project does not violate any laws or regulations.

2. 项目资助: the project资助 is only provided if the project meets the following conditions:

(1) the project

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上一篇 2024年10月12日 下午11:40
下一篇 2024年10月12日 下午11:52


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